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Is Viagra only an ED drug?
by: Nishu

For better sex and enhanced life, here’s Viagra for you. Initially, when Viagra entered the market as a drug for male impotence, there weren’t enough takers. People were skeptical, shy and unaware. But soon it became a household name and users raved about the competency of the drug.

Today Viagra is the most popular drug to treat male impotence. But is it only a drug prescribed for men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction? The answer is a big NO. Though its primary purpose is to help men attain sexual satisfaction by maintaining an erection, Viagra has many more functions than one.

Firstly, it is a blessing in disguise for those couples who look forward to something new in their sex life, every day. In order to experiment with various postures and methods, you need to maintain an erection for a longer time. But it just does not happen when you want it. That’s where Viagra comes in. With its long lasting effect, Viagra acts as a friend, guide and a companion to men who simply don’t want to disappoint their partners. Thus, Viagra not only influences a marriage to survive but gives it more vigor and happiness.

Similarly, men have periods of psychological imbalances related to work pressure, stress, anxiety or depression. During this phase, no matter how hard they try, achieving an erection almost seems impossible. Unfortunately, it triggers the already worse situation and slowly men cease to have interest in sex mainly due to their underperformance. Both partners get affected in due course, leading to serious gaps in marriage. Think of Viagra which can help you get out of this mayhem.

When you are mentally unfit to perform in bed, rely on Viagra to get rid of the erectile failures which can hamper your confidence. So before you fall into such a situation, be intelligent and take the necessary precaution.

Viagra Misuse

•Mr. Blue is the slang term used for Viagra
•A good number of them asking for Viagra are the young and healthy men
•Performance anxiety, no spark in marriage and stress are the common problems they come up with
•Party goers prefer Viagra to suppress the effects of alcohol
•Condoms stress on safe sex and takes away the sensation, Viagra helps to acquire it back

Viagra: Proper use for best results

For any pill to work well on your body, you have to use it properly. This applies to Viagra pill too. By following the correct procedures you can achieve significant and satisfying results.

•Viagra comes in tablets of 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg. Most men start with 50 mg. Viagra can be taken once a day
•Physical and mental stimulation and the desire should be there to have an erection, even if you are on Viagra pill.
•In case the first Viagra pill you consume is not effective, ask your doctor. He might want to change the dose of your pill.
•Headache, flushing, running nose and upset stomach are the common side effects of Viagra. If any of these side effects bother you through out , consult your doctor
•When taking any form of nitrates, strictly avoid Viagra pill

Way to a good life

Viagra is the added ingredient in your sex life which paves the way for a happy, healthy and good life with your partner. As couples you need to communicate suitably for knowing and understanding what each other want in a relationship. Here, drugs like Viagra can only act as a buddy to facilitate your sexual performance or confidence. But always remember that a good life is what you and your partner strive for, work towards, bring out and experience together.


About the Author
The author is online writes, and has written many articles on Sexual Health for renowed sites.